ClosingWest Test
- Due Jan 24, 2019 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 16
- Available until Mar 5, 2019 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit 120 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts 3
8.H.3.2 Explain how changes brought about by technology and other innovations affected individuals and groups in North Carolina and the United States
8.C&G.1.4 Analyze access to democratic rights and freedoms among various groups in North Carolina and the United States (e.g. women, wage earners, landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans and other ethnic groups).
8.G.1.1 Explain how location and place have presented opportunities and challenges for the movement of people, goods, and ideas in North Carolina and the United States.
8.E.1.1 Explain how conflict, cooperation, and competition influenced periods of economic growth and decline
8.C.1.3 Summarize the contributions of particular groups to the development of North Carolina and the United States
This Test is combination of: Multiple Choice, True/ False, Drop down select, & Essay
By the way, It is Open Note, but only paper notes...
Your Password is the the Name of the Tribe that were Code Talkers in WWII, Featured in the Film Windtalkers.