Impressment essay
- Due Nov 16, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 45
- Submitting a text entry box or a website url
- Available until Nov 20, 2020 at 11:59pm
8.H.2.1 - Explain the impact of economic, political, social, and military conflicts (e.g. war, slavery, states’ rights and citizenship and immigration policies)
You will take on the role of an American Merchant sailor. captured and forced to sail for England. Writing a short 3 paragraph essay explaining the experience and ordeal. Electronic submission in the form of text box entry or a upload of a Google Document.
You are an 17 year old American Merchant Sailor. You have been hired on as on of 14 crew members. You are transporting various American products (Rice, Tobacco, Staves, lead ore) You are sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to Sell your goods in Europe. Across the horizon your captain spots a Man-o-war flying the Union Jack. They fire a cannon shot across your bow to stop your approach. The British Navy stops you at sea. They Board your ship and confiscate all your goods. To make Matters worse, they tell you that you will now be a sailor in their Navy. You have no choice.
Paragraph 1 Tell about the Experience with the British Navy. What happened following your capture? 15pts (See Link Previous Page)
Paragraph 2 Tell about Jay's Treaty and What you expect to happen from Jay's Treaty?. 15pts (See What Jay's Treaty Did/Didn't Do)
Paragraph 3 Tell me about your experience after the treaty, did it get you out of your impressment? What actually happened to you? 15pts (Little Known Facts & make your own story)
* Remember Each Paragraph must be 8 sentences minimum. Use proper Capitalization & Punctuation. Indent to start each Paragraph.