Map Making
- Due Aug 24, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a media recording or a file upload
- Available until Oct 16, 2020 at 11:59pm
ISTE STANDARDS: Empowered Learner, Knowledge Constructor, & Creative Communicator.
In Today's lesson we will learn how to make a map on google maps & place pins on the map for places of interest. This is and essential part of your county brochure project.
You will take a picture of the map and place it in your brochure.
To accomplish this we must follow these steps.
1. Open Google Maps
2. click the 3 horizontal bar icon on the left side.
3. Scroll down and click on my places.
4. click the far right option "Maps"
5. Click Create Map - this should open a new tab.
6. In the search box type the name of your county. This will only bring up a generalized area.
7. You should have found key places in your research. Make sure you know the street address. If you know the street address you can type it in the box. Click on the Pin button and Name it.
8. The Line Feature will allow you to draw a line between the pins. You might want this feature if you are pinning the hotels on the map as well. There is a ruler button that can tell you the distance between the locations pinned.
9. once you are done with pin placement and naming locations, It will save to your google drive.
Zoom Recording 8/24/20
For attendance today and the grade on the project please upload your final draft tonight by 11:59 PM. & take a screen shot of the MAP you made today Submitting after means you do not get counted for attendance.
To Screen Shot "CTRL + F5" then save the image.
Turn in the screen shot on this page