Artist research notes #1
- Due Nov 29, 2018 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload
Skill #3: I understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.
Go to this GOOGLE SLIDE Links to an external site. and choose an artist to research and critique.
1. Open a google doc to take notes on-- title it "YourName artist 1 notes" Example: Lampson Artist 1 notes
2. Read about the artist from the link provided in the google slide. While you read, take notes on the google doc. When you take notes, DO NOT copy/paste. Write notes in your own words, in as few words as possible.
3. Search for any other information about the artist and document your sources by copying/pasting a link in your notes. Take notes from those sources as well.
Your notes can be in the form of bullet points
4. Research the location the artist is from and/or lives in and write notes about how you think their cultural context (the place they live and the time period they live in) affects the art they make.
5. Submit your notes here.